Saturday, April 18, 2015

~~~HCG/Lupron Trigger~~~

Where has the time gone?  Life has been so busy that I have failed to continue to update throughout this cycle. This cycle feels so much different than my previous ones.  I'm in a better place.  That does not mean I haven't had moments of irrational thoughts; I know anxiety and being irrational at times is inevitable when you have been through what we have been through!!

For those that are interested here are the cliff notes of this cycle:

3/30: DH and I returned home from a much needed vacation in Las Vegas I earned/won at work. 

The picture I chose for this post is from our trip.  I chose this picture, not because infertility treatment are a gamble, but because we will be on the right side of the odds this time!! 

3/31:  My Baseline Ultrasound.  I was properly suppressed (no ovarian cysts and a thin lining).

4/6:  My Egg Donors Baseline

4/10: My endometrial lining check.  It measured at a 9.6 mm and triple striped.  
The clinic was aiming for anything greater than 7 mm.  I am sure I have an soft, comfy, amazing endometrial mattress for my embies to rest for the next 9 months <3

4/14-4/17: Donor follicle scan updates.  Her follicles count has ranged from 31 to 35.  I received the call yesterday they were going to have her trigger with Lupron and HCG.  

What is a trigger and why is it important? 

The trigger shot is the last step in the maturation process of follicle (egg) development.  36 hours after the trigger shot, the the doctor will retrieve her eggs.  The retrieval is very time sensitive, if ovulation occurs before egg retrieval the physician will not be able to retrieve her eggs.     

Which brings us to tomorrow, Sunday 4/19/2015.  
The 1st day of National Infertility Awareness Week
Egg Retrieval Day  

Our donor's eggs will be retrieved.  I will head to the clinic in the afternoon for my Neupogen uterine wash.  The Neupogen has been shown to help those with a history of miscarriage and implantation failure.  At that time I will learn how many eggs have been retrieved.

4/20: I will get our fertilization report

4/22:  Day three embryo report.  This will tell us how many of our embryos are thriving and the embryo grades that day

4/24: THE BIG DAY-  Embryo Transfer Day.  

I cannot think of a better day to have my egg donor's retrieval.  The 1st day of NIAW. There is not a better week to have our embryo transfer!!  If there is such a thing as a sign or good luck, this is it!!

I am getting excited.  W is also getting excited.  I love Please send all the positive vibes, prayers, thoughts, etc. our way, as they are very much appreciated!!    

We are going to BEAT Infertility.  It will not beat us!!

1 comment:

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