Friday, July 29, 2011

Acupuncturist vent!

I am very annoyed.  I have been searching for an acupuncturist to see while I am in Las Vegas this time round.  I found this lady who seemed to be amazing, expensive, but amazing.  I came across her online and contacted her, in addition to a few other acupuncturists.

She sent the most enthusiastic email back, describing her practice, acupuncture for 1.5 hrs on both front and back in addition to massage therapy for $100.  I thought, hmm $100 is kind of pricey, but then really started thinking about the massage alone.  If I get a hr. massage in UT it's a minimum of $90 + tip.  At that point I decided she is the one.

I emailed her back last night to see if I could set up an appt.  Well.... she is effing out of town those two weeks.  I am very disappointed, and sad.

I guess this is a sign.  I really do not have the money for $100 each session.  I will be on search again.  I hope I find someone equally amazing for less money.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Positive thinking wall and AFC :)

Here is a pic of my positive thinking wall!  I stole a quote from fellow IF's blog, who is now pregnant and I included it on my wall.  It says:

"Transform anxiety into excitement; focus not on the fear of what lies ahead, but the possibility of what you might create!!!"

I am very happy to announce that my AFC via my baseline u/s is 5 :)
Four follicles on my right ovary and one on my left.  I am optimistic all five follicles will respond to meds.  GO Ovaries!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

AF, Oh where oh where can you be?

Seriously!  My last bcp was 5 days ago.  I'm starting to get nervous my cycle will be cancelled if the stupid whore doesn't show up soon!

I have found coverage for my shifts at the hospital and I am starting to get excited for IVF #2.  I have started putting together a positive thinking board.  I have included a pic of a beautiful ovary with pretty follicles, and a  perfect day three embryo, a pic of my younger sister's beautiful baby, and her family.  I will have these things in my life.  DH and I will have a family of our own!

If something as small as AF not showing up, and it gets in the way of our goals I will be extremely disappointed!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Calendar for IVF#2 in hand

I received my calendar for IVF # 2 today.  Hooray!!!  I have been a bit apprehensive about the new protocol, which is a less aggressive protocol than last time.  However, I spoke with my nurse and she put me at ease that some people actually respond better and have better egg quality with a less aggressive protocol.  Looks like my probable retrieval will be Aug 12.  with a probable transfer Aug 15th.  I'm not counting on those specific dates, but very exciting non-the-less.

Friday, July 8, 2011

IVF#2= Aug

I had my WTF apt the other day.  We discussed the good and the bad results of our cycle.

The Good:  DH has normal sperm; both of my eggs fertilized well with icsi, and they developed into embryo that looked "good"  on day 3.

The Bad:  I responded poorly, but it was expected; I did not get pregnant.

Our RE felt the reason it didn't work was because there must have been something genetically abnormal with the embryo.  He said that we should cycle again sooner than later, so my eggs do not get "stale" (WTF is that suppose to mean?) and suggested cycling again in Aug.

DH really wants to cycle in August since the RE suggested we do so.  The RE mentioned that I will be on the same protocol minus the Lupron and lowing the dose of stims.  I have some concerns that they are decreasing the dose of stims to save us money on the medication costs, so I will be addressing this before I start my.  I am also going to ask about AH, who knows maybe this will help us achieve our goal of having a sticky, take home baby.

I was also worried abt taking time off, because I have a few co-workers who are doing a humanitarian project in Peru during the same time.  I was able to coverage for my shifts!!!  I am anxious, but excited to move forward with our new plan :)

Bring on the BCP!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

IVF #1 BFN and reflection

My first Beta came back at a whopping 2.  The second came back Negative.  I have been sad, especially the last two days since AF decided to arrive with a vengeance.  It has also been especially difficult because my younger sister gave birth to her first baby on June 25th, three days before my BFN.

Although our first IVF did not work out I experienced a lot of positive things during the whole IVF process.  I knew from the beginning I would not produce many follicles, but I felt positive about the quality for one of the eggs I produced and transferred on day 3.  It was an 8 cell with a Graduated Embryo Scoring of 95 (anything over 70 is good).   Our WTF appt (appt regarding why it didn't work), will be on Tues July 5th.  I am very interested in Dr. Fisch's thoughts and I hope our new plan moving forward will result in our BFP.

DH and I are very grateful we were able to stay with my Aunt Lori's and her husband in Las Vegas.  Since I can remember she has always lived in Southern, Ut.   When she met her husband Michael she moved to Las Vegas, which was about five years ago.  I have never been super close to her or my cousins because they have always lived about 6 hrs from Salt Lake.  I am so grateful we were able to stay with her.  We are now much closer and we able to reminisce on so many memories!  

DH and I are very lucky that we were able to spend time with her, her husband Michael and my cousin Amber, her girls and new baby boy.  My Aunt Lori is beautiful and an amazing person.  She is very positive and a fun person to be around.  Here are a few pics of our trip to Las Vegas :)

This is myself, Aunt Lori, and my cousins son 

Here is a pic of my cousins daughters