Friday, July 8, 2011

IVF#2= Aug

I had my WTF apt the other day.  We discussed the good and the bad results of our cycle.

The Good:  DH has normal sperm; both of my eggs fertilized well with icsi, and they developed into embryo that looked "good"  on day 3.

The Bad:  I responded poorly, but it was expected; I did not get pregnant.

Our RE felt the reason it didn't work was because there must have been something genetically abnormal with the embryo.  He said that we should cycle again sooner than later, so my eggs do not get "stale" (WTF is that suppose to mean?) and suggested cycling again in Aug.

DH really wants to cycle in August since the RE suggested we do so.  The RE mentioned that I will be on the same protocol minus the Lupron and lowing the dose of stims.  I have some concerns that they are decreasing the dose of stims to save us money on the medication costs, so I will be addressing this before I start my.  I am also going to ask about AH, who knows maybe this will help us achieve our goal of having a sticky, take home baby.

I was also worried abt taking time off, because I have a few co-workers who are doing a humanitarian project in Peru during the same time.  I was able to coverage for my shifts!!!  I am anxious, but excited to move forward with our new plan :)

Bring on the BCP!!!

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