Sunday, June 1, 2014

Yet another diagnosis

It's confirmed, I have endometriosis. The good news is it's only mild, it's not on my ovaries, therefore not the cause of my DOR. The bad news is DH said (in his mind), it further confirms all our failed cycles are his fault. It makes me cry that he thinks it's his fault. 

I have tried to explain this to him.  I tried to explain that endo causes implantation failure regardless of the stage. He will not hear it.  He thinks all our failure to this point are his fault.  This crushes me.  He is not the only one with infertility.  It is both of us.  I have several diagnoses, including borderline NK cells.  All of these factors have led to us being unsuccessful. It's not just him and it's not just me. We will beat this!  We will slap IF in the face!!  

We will follow up a week from tomorrow and talk about our next steps.  I emailed my RE a protocol I'd like to try since it's looking like we are going to use my eggs.  She thanked me for emailing her this protocol. She seems open to trying it. I will know for sure at the follow up. 

1 comment:

  1. IF is such a cruel witch. I'm so sorry that you find yourself with another diagnosis and especially that your husband is taking it so hard. Good luck with your appointment and I hope you really do slap IF in the face!!!


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