is how one who is infertile conceives a child. These medications are worth their
weight in gold. :)
There are several reasons why this cycle
will end up in retrieval.
- Today is the day I started stims. And today is my late brother, Jason’s birthday. He and I were very close. He would be turning 37 today. However he will forever be 19 years old. I miss him, my family misses him, but I know he’s watching over us, helping us through life. At least I think he is.
- Today was my baseline. I know that this number isn’t great, that being said it’s the best it’s been in at least 5 years. Drum roll please…. My Left ovary has follicles, it gets better, I have THREE!! My right ovary, however is being a dud this cycle. It looked pretty quiet. But I cannot be unhappy, an AFC of 3 is really a good number for me, as I have NEVER had more than 2eggs retrieved. I’m not going to lie I cried. It was not a sad cry, but a HAPPY cry. The Cry of hope. One that I had lost a long time ago.
- My retrieval will be taking place around Halloween. Why does this equal equate to a successful cycle? As some of you may remember, had I not had a Chemical Pregnancy my last cycle, I would be delivering a baby. This may be a coincidence, but it makes me think that our baby is out there and wants to join our lives here on earth. This baby wants to be here as much as we want it to be here!
Mindy, I love your positive attitude! I'm so hopeful this is your cycle. Good luck my friend. Everything crossed for you!!!