Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Another Long Overdue Update!

I know I am a bad blogger.  It's hard for me to post when I feel I do not have anything positive to post about.  I guess I will start where I left off.  ODWU at CCRM.  I have a clear understanding why they are the best.  They do a very comprehensive work up, and it's very over whelming.  They do not leave any stone unturned. What I didn't like is that I felt like a cow in a cattle drive.  The ODWU began with a classroom of other infertile couples for the orientation.  Then we began our day of testing, one apt after another, strategically scheduled around the other couples appointments. 

What we learned: 

Good news: My genetic screening is normal, I am not a carrier for fragile x or anyother common debilitating genetic disease. I have a normal karyotype and DH's SA and Sperm fragmentation is normal! 
Bad news:  DH's karyotyping was not normal.  He has a balanced translocation of chromosome 5 and 10.  Dr. Surr.ey said that it could be one of the reasons why we have not had success.  DH has a good attitude about it.  He made the joke that he is a mutant :)
My bad news is I only had an AFC of 2-so they highly recommend DE.  Which is not a surprise.

We were given three treatment options:

Option 1:  One IVF cycle with my OE do ccs testing to make sure we do not have an embryo with unbalanced translocation and hope that out of the possible two embryo's one is normal and survives the ccs testing/freezing etc.
Option 2:  go through multi IVF's with my OE bank embryos and then do CCS testing.
Option 3:  DE and CCS testing to assure we do not transfer an embryo with unbalanced translocation. 
We, well I need to be realistic.  DH has been the realistic one from the beginning.  We decided to move forward with option #3.  However we decided to move forward with a local clinic.  Crazy right?  Why not CCRM? As crazy as it sounds it just doesn't feel right.  
We started the process with a DE consult at a local clinic with a known donor.  However with the luck I have had with  all things IF, our donor backed out.  We wanted to move forward anyway.  We looked at our local clinic's in house donor list and selected a proven donor!!! 
I guess I should mention that my LOVE for my new RE! DH really likes her as well.  This is the first time we can both say that there is not one thing we do not like about our new RE or the clinic. Our donor is a rock star responder as well. 
Plan is we meet this Friday with the Donor Coordinator  to discuss our plan of care. What I do know is our donor starts meds this month for a January Egg Retrieval. This feels so far away, considering we have to do microarray CGH on our embryo's, freeze all and then do an FET.  Our FET will take place in February.  I am wishing and praying we have a handful of normal embryos.  We learned with BT as many a 75% or more of our embryos could be abnormal.     
I will do my best to update on Friday after our plan of care. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Long time no see... Update on us!

It has been far too long since I have posted.  I haven't had many positive thing to post write about so I decided to take a break. 
DH and I have decided explore a new road in order to, which will hopefully help us bring home a Whistler/Mindy baby.  On Tuesday 3/5 we had a consult with ccrm.  Even though it was not all rainbows and butterflies it was full of a lot of useful information.   For those who have read about the consult else where I apologize.
He began by giving us 80% likelihood of getting knocked up with donor egg (seems like a really high, possibly an inaccurate or inflated number).  He feels that I should have more testing completed before moving on with IVF using my eggs to find out why I have DOR.  He is in disbelief that I haven't been tested for fragile x and highly recommends I have that done.  He also recommends karyotyping, and sperm frag test.
He went on to say that it was a good sign I had an embryo grow to blast, but feels that I should have ccs testing on any embryos in the future. He recommends an "improved protocol” most likely testosterone priming for one or two cycles.  Bank all the embryo's and when I have a good number of embryos (I have no idea what that number would be) move forward with CCS testing with our embryos. He believes that if are Embryos are normal we have a 60% chance of getting pregnant with less than a 5% chance of MC. 
DH and I have talked.  I am still not sure if we should do another IVF with my OE's.  However, we would like to go there for the ODWU and see what ccrm finds.  If I am not a carrier of fragile x I think we may move forward with IVF.  If I am a carrier of fragile x we will move onto DE--Locally. 

What I'm scared of is moving forward with IVF using my OE's, not having success. Then waiting another 5 years to cycle with a DE, since we are oop it will take us that long to pay off the horrific debt. According to all the REs I've ever seen there is no limitation on age using a DE, so I guess I have that going for me. 

As we all know, nothing is certain, DE is not successful for everyone.  I would hate to use all my financial resources on something that will not work, such as IVF with my OE, but I want to make sure that I am ready to move forward with DE.  My ultimate goal is not to regret anything! 

I wish I had a crystal ball!!!