I looked at the male and female donor profiles for the donated embryos my clinic had tagged for us. I have some concerns, and its something I didn't think about until I received the profiles. My main concern is that I have had failed embryo transfers in the past, one of which we know was chromosomally normal. I think it may take more than one transfer to find success. In addition, more than anything we want our children to be siblings genetically and the chances of that with only 2 embryos is very slim.
DH and I have put a lot of thought into this, and I am not going to lie, I’m having a really hard time. I feel really ungrateful and selfish that the embryos do not feel like a good match. I have asked that they keep us on the list for donated embryos. Maybe another batch will come our way that feels like a better match.
The hubs and I had a really good conversation and decided to put our plans for cycling on hold for the next few months until we pay off some debt. I’m thinking things will look a lot better in the next few months for us emotionally and financially. I do not want to put things on hold, but I’m not in the right state of mind to cycle.
Maybe once I am back to my old-self we will be financially in a place to consider DE/DS again.