What does one do when she cannot control everything?
…She finds things she can control.
I haven't been feeling super good about myself and decided I
needed to make a change. Yep, I cut off
my hair. There is something beautiful
about getting a new hairdo. I needed
something to help my attitude.
A hair cut is only a temporary feel good. So I have also been working on other things
to improve my attitude. I have been taking
a mindful meditation class and I work out twice a week. Well I have made a promise to myself. I am going to start working out every morning
for 30 minutes and I am going to start mediating at least 15 minutes at night. In addition I will be meeting up with a
friend at least once a week for tea. I
will be spending more time playing with my pets. Lastly, I will unplug for a few hours each evening and spend quality time
with my husband.
I cannot control anything with my IF, but I can control
other things in my life, and I’m going to start with making myself happy.