I have to first say I love my family! My sister and her family moved 2 hrs away from
LV. I have seen her and her kids and her DH multiple times since I have been here for my IVF. I actually went furniture shopping with her--it was painful, but it was fun spending time with her like the old days when we only lived miles apart. I had forgotten how much I miss her company.
I am staying with my Aunt and her DH again. I love that they make DH and I feel like we are at home! I can only imagine how much money we are saving staying with family vs. a hotel/motel. If my Aunt did not live in
LV the closest family to
LV would be my sister, the next closest is four hrs away--not that far of a drive, but gas prices are ridiculous! Gas alone would break the bank.
Lastly, I love, love, love seeing my cousins and their kids. These specific cousins did not live in SLC when we were growing up, and I am finally a getting to know them and I am getting to know them well.
One of my cousin's graciously offered donating her eggs to us if this cycle does not work. I feel that her offer is genuine and it is something DH and I would highly consider, she said she would commute to SL if we decided not to cycle in
LV again. I of course have reservations, especially because of my sister ED drama, but I am happy to have that as an option.
Now here is my ET drama. We had two follicles, both eggs were retrieved; one was mature and fertilized normally with ICSI. At first I was not sure if I should've been disappointed or grateful. I went with grateful we only At this very moment I will go with grateful, because this has been better than my last two cycles.
Well, the initial plan was to do a 5dt with Dr. Sher since my RE was going oot. Yesterday my RE called and said Dr. Sher had an emergency and will not be available to do our 5dt. This caused a lot of unneeded stress on my end. Dr. Fisch sold us on the 5dt, although we only have one embryo. He explained that 5dt gives more information regarding a failed cycle, such as embryo issues, implantation, and/or immulogic issue. I know that I want this information even/especially if we do not cycle with our own eggs again. I would hate to throw more money toward IF treatments if there are other issues that need to be addressed.
Anyway, I was given the option to go in today for a 2dt or wait for a 5 day report, see if the embryo makes it to blast, freeze our embryo and do a FET later. There are pro's and cons to both situations; if we decided to do a FET we would risk our embryo not making it through a thaw. If we decided to do a 2dt we would not know as much regarding our embryo and quality. So we decided to do a fresh 2dt, went in and spoke with our RE he looked at our embryo--two cell (should be btwn two and four cells). We were able to see a pic of our cute embryo. He said that he and Dr. Sher worked out their schedules and there will be someone to do the transfer Tues. I am so relieved, I feel so much better about having a 5dt!
I’m keeping my fingers crossed we have one amazing embryo! I'm very nervous I am going home with an empty ute. Please pray/send vibes my embryo makes it to transfer.