Friday, July 29, 2011

Acupuncturist vent!

I am very annoyed.  I have been searching for an acupuncturist to see while I am in Las Vegas this time round.  I found this lady who seemed to be amazing, expensive, but amazing.  I came across her online and contacted her, in addition to a few other acupuncturists.

She sent the most enthusiastic email back, describing her practice, acupuncture for 1.5 hrs on both front and back in addition to massage therapy for $100.  I thought, hmm $100 is kind of pricey, but then really started thinking about the massage alone.  If I get a hr. massage in UT it's a minimum of $90 + tip.  At that point I decided she is the one.

I emailed her back last night to see if I could set up an appt.  Well.... she is effing out of town those two weeks.  I am very disappointed, and sad.

I guess this is a sign.  I really do not have the money for $100 each session.  I will be on search again.  I hope I find someone equally amazing for less money.

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