Monday, April 14, 2014

The Firsts

Things  I hope to one day (hopefully sooner than later) experience.

The first REAL BFP.  I'm not talking about the barely there line you have to squint to see, but dark double lines I can see in the dark.

My first ultrasound with a baby or two on the screen with flickering heart beat(s).

The first time someone I know asks me if  I'm pregnant and I am.

The first time I feel a baby kick in my belly.

The first time DH feels that baby kick from the outside.

Witnessing the first breaths and loud cries (screams)

The first bath

The first night of no sleep and not as a Registered nurse working through the night, but as a mom.

There are so many firsts I hope DH and I will have the opportunity experience.  I pray to a god I'm not sure is there anymore.  How long is it going to take? I am running out of patience, DH is too. 

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