Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Viva Las Vegas and my u/s

I arrived in Las Vegas last night.  I have already had an amazing time hanging out with my awesome Aunt Lori Gail.  She is an amazing person and I am so happy I have this time I can spend with her while going through this horrible IVF process.  We were able to lay out at the pool today after my u/s and catch up.

As for my u/s, my lining is 10.5.  My right ovary has 2 follies, which are both less than 10 mm. My Left ovary has 1 follicle that is about 9 mm's and a few small ones follicles hanging out around 5 mm's. I will stim for a few more days, and then I will have another u/s Thurs. This is not the best news.  I was hoping for few more follies, but things are coming along slowly.

I need to remind myself that is not the quantity of follicles, but the quality.  Many women have successful pregnancies with only a few eggs!  It only takes one!!!  As one of my bump friends has said we will fall 100% into the 25-30% success rate category for DOR :)

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