I Am A Mom
I am so sorry I fell off the face of this earth!
I’m not sure where to start, maybe the short story from
where I left off. I finally got
pregnant. With TWO. TWO amazing babies, a boy and a girl. It can’t get any better than that, right!!
I embraced it, everything about it. I smiled when I threw up. I laughed every
time I peed myself when I was throwing up (TMI, sorry). But I was pregnant, and
it was amazing!! The middle of the
second trimester was my most favorite time.
I was not as sick and the babies moving was the best feeling in the
world. I miss it!
I would be lying if I said it was not hard toward the
end. It was so, so hard! I got so swollen, I convinced myself I had
heart failure. THANK GOD I did not! I made a promise to my babies when I was
pregnant. I was going to make sure they
were nice and healthy when they were born.
Determined they were not going to have any NICU time. I ended up developing pre-eclampsia at 36
weeks gestation, and my scheduled C-section, was pushed forwarded a week.
I delivered them on December 17th, 2015 at 8:50
Angelo: 6 lbs 5 oz
20 inches
Ilyana: 6 lbs 0 oz
18.5 inches
My delivery was not fun, but after a few complications and 4
units of blood I recovered well!! And as I promised the babies, they had no NICU time!!
Since then I have been a very busy mommy! This mom gig is HARD and yet the best thing I
have ever done in my life. I knew I’d
like being a mom, but there are not words to describe how much I LOVE being a
mom. How much I LOVE my life!!
For those of you still in the Infertility trenches, hang in
there! I know that it’s easy for me to
say, but if possible, Don’t Give Up!!
We did not have the finances to cycle. We took out loans, charged our credit cards,
borrowed money from family and received generous donations from people. I am so happy it worked out for us.
I now wish that we did not have so much debt.
Do I regret it?
It’s the best decision I’ve made in my life.
Where are we now?
The babies are thriving, spunky 5 month olds! They are rolling all over the place and Angelo
just cut his first tooth, I know Ilyana is not far behind.
I’m so sorry for abandoning my blog. I will try to post more often, but I cannot
make promises.
Thank you to everyone who supported me during my
Thank you from the bottom of my
<3 Mindy